Wills, LPA & Tax Planning
Planning for the future is always worthwhile,
especially if you do it sooner rather than later.
Saying that tomorrow never comes is a little misleading. It would be more accurate to say that no one knows what tomorrow brings…That’s why we offer a range of services to help you or a member of your family organise your affairs and plan for the future, including will-writing, lasting powers of attorney (LPA) and inheritance tax planning. Unfortunately, many people still die intestate (without a will) which can cause additional stress and complications for those they leave behind.
If you’ve not yet written your will, our affordable will-writing service takes away that worry; and, if you have, we can review existing wills to ensure they still meet your requirements. We can also assist with creating Lasting Powers of Attorney for you, providing a means for decisions concerning your home, finances and healthcare to be passed on to your family or trusted friends in the event that illness prevents you from being able to make them yourself.
Whatever your future plans, our friendly, professional advice will always have your best interests at heart.